Chongqing Assen Power Equipment Co..Ltd.

Chongqing Assen Power Equipment Co..Ltd.

- Model TY Series - High Vacuum Turbine Oil Purifier Machine



After de-emulsification by this machine, the treated oil is hard to be emulsified again. The dehydration volume is large and the water can be drained off on line. TY series can effectively extend oil lifetime and protect turbine and lubrication system from damage. Online running, Reliable and steady in operation, which is undoubtedly the ideal oil treatment solution for the leakage.


TY turbine oil purifier is used for treating the unqualified turbine oil, especially the seriously emulsified turbine oil. This products, which can rapidly and effectively remove the water, gas and impurities, aim at turbine oil's nature of high water content, easy emulsifiable and high impurity content, and make the oil recover the new oil's nature.


  • water content £ 50ppm
  • gas content <0.2%
  • kinematic viscosity (40°C):28.8-35.2 mmVs
  • flash point ( open cup) > 190°C
  • acid value £ 0.2 mgKOH/g (without antirust in your oil)
  • demulsibility£60 min
  • filtration accuracy £ 5 micron
  • oil appearance: transparent
  • cleanness: £NAS grade 6


  1. Breaking emulsification thoroughly with high- molecule polymeric material.
  2. Dewatering very effectively with once and for two steps dehydrating method. It can thoroughly clear away the liquid water, free water and 80% dissolved water.
  3. With distinctive removing impurities technique filtering through double FH trapezoidal network and absorbing by high polymer material, this machine can make the equal or surpass 200 and make the cleanness lower grade 6(NAS1638).
  4. With the trapezoidal, spiral, automatic back flushing system.
  5. With the advanced dielectric condensation devices.
  6. On-line oil purification can be carried out with turbine or water turbine automatically without any person.

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