AURORA - Model Pro Series - Auto Voltage Regulator
From Line Interactive UPS
Aurora Pro UPS build in Auto voltage regulator to provide more stable power in line mode. It include 5V/2A USB charger, Segment LCD and USB HID which are deal for home and office application including Personal computers, routers, printer and other devices.
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Core Features
- Cost effective backup solution with excellent performance;
- Built-in voltage regulator for reliable power quality;
- 1 min backup capability with full load;
- Super fast charger shortens the charging time to 2-4 hours;
- Tiny- load sensing technology prevents the battery from deep discharge problem while connecting to tiny load;
- HID-UPS-Battery-Supported USB interface enables integration with built-in power management and auto shutdown features of windows and Mac OS and Linux
- USB charger for tablet and smartphone backup power
- CE compliant
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