Bambeck Systems

Bambeck Systems

- Stoichiometric Combustion Control Systems for Heaters


Stoichiometric Combustion Control creates a condition in the process heater where there is just enough oxygen (O2) available to oxidize each hydrogen and carbon atom from the fuel. To achieve this condition, you starve the combustion air until some carbon atoms cannot continuously get enough O2 in the radiant section of the heater and CO is formed instead of CO2. This is also the basis of low excess air CO based control.


The three essential ingredients for Stoichiometric Combustion Control (SCC):

  • A Fast CO Analyzer Using Light Beam Technology
  • A Control Strategy Designed for the Specific Heater
  • Training and Combustion Engineering that Includes All Needed Heater Upgrades to Accept SCC.

Bambeck Systems Inc. delivers all of the above in a turn-key package from a single source, at a fixed price.

Results include the following:

  • Energy Savings that typically pay the project cost in less than two years. Or use the increased efficiency to produce more product throughput – debottleneck.
  • Reduced Emissions including NOx and CO2. Anywhere from 20 to 40% NOx reduction (less expensive way to mitigate your NOx). CO2 is reduced from 3 to 6% depending on the efficiency improvement.
  • Improved Heater Safety from adding a fast, highly sensitive CO (pre-curser to combustibles) measurement that includes the entire combustion process.

Contact Bambeck Systems today to receive a free evaluation of the potential savings available for your heaters. Lower your production costs and improve plant profitability while reducing emissions and increasing safety.

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