BELECTRIC Solarkraftwerke GmbH

BELECTRIC Solarkraftwerke GmbH

- Power Conditioning Unit (PCU)



The specially developed Power Conditioning Unit (PCU) includes an intelligent power plant controlling system, the inverter system and the transformer. The inverter system was optimized for the use of thin-film module technologies and is characterized by the high level of system efficiency.

BELECTRIC Grid stabilization at a glance:

BELECTRIC Grid stabilization at a glance:

  • Simplified and low cost grid access
  • Higher acceptance of solar power at the utility customer base
  • PCU stabilizes weak grid conditions and saves grid expansion cost
  • Optimized plant uptime

The regional public grids show many voltage deviations produced by different power loads. The dynamic reactive power control of the PCU stabilizes the public grid voltage - day and night and without solar irradiation. The PCU with its medium-voltage grid supply in outdoor construction enables optimum accessibility and easy maintenance of the system.

BELECTRIC stabilizes the regional power grid actively opposed to traditional reactive power control units:

  • The reactive power is available independently of the solar irradiation during the day and at night.
  • The reactive power is controlled to the full extent of the connected power of the plant.
  • The reactive power control can be adapted within milliseconds between cos φ > 0 (inductive) to cos φ > 0 (capacitive).


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