BERAN PlantProtech - Model 7600 PCMS - Protection and Condition Monitoring Systems
From Machine Monitoring Solutions - Protection and Condition Monitoring Systems
Protection and condition monitoring systems are essential to monitor critical assets and understand machinery health for long-term safe, efficient operation by plant owners and operators to prevent machine failure, and planning maintenance tasks and activities! Automated vibration trip system providing AP1670-compliant machinery protection with integrated condition monitoring functionality.
PlantProtech™ 7600 PCMS is the latest addition to the PlantProtech™ family, building on Beran’s 40 years of machine monitoring experience to create a new generation of condition monitoring systems with the option of machinery protection.
PlantProtech™ 7600 PCMS can be configured to meet your individual requirements and can be used as:
- standalone protection system
- online vibration and condition monitoring system
- integrated protection and online vibration condition monitoring system
Plant protection functionality provides an automatic trip to protect the plant in the case of high vibration exceedance. Online vibration and condition monitoring gives enhanced analysis including 24/7 real-time data and using advanced condition monitoring alarms to enable early warning of machinery health changes.
Protection and condition monitoring solutions are needed in a wide variety of applications and the PlantProtech™ 7600 PCMS modular design supports a wide range of protection applications and installations within the power generation and industrial sectors.
Designed for
PlantProtech™ 7600 PCMS has been designed to comply with ISO7919 and API670 and with a lifecycle aligned with IEC 61508 Safety Integrity Level (SIL) applications.
- Turbo generators
- Steam turbines
- Gas turbines
- Hydro turbines
- Main boiler feed pumps
- Emergency boiler feed pumps
- Industrial gas turbines
- Cooling tower fans
- Auxiliary plant items such as ID, PA, FD Fans
- Machinery requiring protection and/or continuous monitoring
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