Hammonds Fuel Additives, Inc.

Hammonds Fuel Additives, Inc.

- Model Lubribor - High-Tech Lubricity Agent for Low-Sulfur Fuels



Reduced lubricity in todays diesel fuel can cause problems for its users. Thats why Hammonds brings you LubriBor® Hi-Tech Lubricity Agent, the concentrated diesel fuel additive designed to improve fuel lubricity and reduce fuel system wear.

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  • Corrosion Protection
  • Mil-SPEC Product
  • Commercial and Military Jet Fuel
  • Reduces Engine Wear
  • Protects Vital Parts

Why Use Lubribor?

Hammonds’ Lubribor® is a Hi-Tech Corrosion Inhibitor/lubricity improver and is listed on ASTM D-910 as being approved for use in aviation gasoline. Lubribor® is also used in military aviation turbine fuel both as a corrosion inhibitor and lubricity improver. *US Dept. of Defense, QPL-25017 *UK Ministry of Defence, QPL 68-251 Applications: LubriBor® is specially formulated for use in low sulfur diesel fuel, now required for all over-the-road vehicles, and may be used in other applications such as boating, industrial and construction equipment, mining and farm equipment. Treatment procedures: Use LubriBor® at a concentration of no less than one fluid ounce per 75 U.S. gallons of diesel fuel. The preferred method of blending is to apply the appropriate amount of LubriBor® during fueling operations. Fill tank to one-half desired amount, apply proper dosage, then resume fueling operation. Container sizes and dosage rates: LubriBor® is available in 16 oz. Easy Squeeze containers designed to dispense the exact measure every time, along with 5 gallon pails. Use the chart above to calculate how much LubriBor® you need for proper fuel treatment.

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