Biogest - LED Lighting
As agricultural expert with many years of experience, Biogest now also supplies energy-efficient LED lighting for farming applications. Lighting installations for agricultural facilities are regarded as one of most challenging areas in the lighting sector. This is because they not only have to be designed with power consumption and costs in mind, but also with regard to optimum light conditions for animal welfare. In addition, two potential dangers that have to be taken into account when selecting lighting pose a challenge: the high risk of fire and ammonia occurring in livestock facilities.
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Products Details
Higher risk of fire
In agricultural facilities, there is generally a considerable fire hazard involved in storing and handling easily flammable substances such as feedstuffs, fertilisers, grain, hay, straw etc., for example from the dust caused. Drying rooms, barns, warehouses and storage facilities are particularly at risk. Many farms underestimate these dangers. In view of such potential hazards, only lighting with a high degree of protection should be used. Here in particular high-quality LED lighting, which emits much less heat, has a distinct advantage.
Ammonia buildup
Ammonia vapours from animal excrement make the atmosphere corrosive. Unprotected metal parts therefore corrode and the sensitive boards in electronic control gear and LEDs can be damaged despite the lamps' high protection ratings. This results in faults or the lamp even being destroyed. The conditions in intensive animal farming and breeding are particularly problematic. In partnership with store and more, Biogest can now supply you with LED lighting - tailored to your needs. It will not only save up to 80 % compared with your previous lighting, but also improve productivity in your livestock rearing. In addition, we are committed to providing solutions as opposed to products, which means we can supply custom LED lighting for your specific needs. Whether installing new or replacing your existing lighting - both are possible.
Scope of Biogest services
Biogest is a European-wide biogas plant manufacturer and operator with its headquarters in Austria and subsidiaries in the UK, Italy, Romania, Serbia and the Czech Republic. More than 120 biogas plant projects generating electricity or biomethane have been completed to date. Our reference plants are located in several European countries and the global market is served by licenced partners.
Our biogas engineering operations extend along the entire biogas value chain, from project development to planning, financing, turnkey construction and operation of biogas plants with an output of 100 kWto 3,500 kW. In addition to engineering, we are also actively operating in the fields of Own Plant Operations, energy efficiency and agriculture.
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