Biomass Boilers
From Biomass
A biomass system works by burning wood pellets, chips or logs. It can be connected to a central heating and hot water system and generate substantial energy savings when compared to other forms of heating. Biomass boilers are particularly useful for organisations who have sizeable heating demands, such as nursing homes, hotels, large commercial units, leisure centres and poultry farms. Installing a system of this kind can bring significant financial savings
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Product Details
Anesco offers eligible firms the opportunity to have a top of the range biomass boiler installed for free, as part of its innovative fully funded initiative.
At no outlay cost, Anesco can provide the supply and installation of biomass boilers, fuel storage and delivery systems. We can also source and manage a fuel supply if required.
Organisations benefit from substantially reduced heating bills, with potential savings of between 30% and 50%.
- Potential saving of between 30-50% on energy bills
- Can be fully automatic requiring minimum user maintenance
- More efficient than other systems
- Reduced carbon emissions
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