Biomass Pelleting Module
From Biomass
We have prepared a complete and compact pelleting line, including pellet cooling and cleaning - Biomass Pelleting Module, for those who have crushed and dry biomass. The Biomass Pelleting Module does not require any technological pits or other construction works.
Qualities of Biomass Pelleting Module:
Qualities of Biomass Pelleting Module:
- competetive price for integrated processing module,
- flexible capacity adjustment for a particular raw material,
- small area and low requirements for the height of the room
- possibility of processing module extension before pelleting,
- capacity from 0.7 t/h up to +7 t/h
- universal in use – all kinds of biomass
- integrated power supply and control system
- area and room height saving
- possibility of installing in the room up to 6.0 m high
- automation with LCD panel and a power cabinet adjusted to the biomass
- any biomass processing of 12% – 16% humidity and fraction 1mm – 3mm
- complete delivery – just turn on the power and compressed air,
- the price includes costs of starting up, training and assembly supervision.
Special equipment for Biomass Pelleting Module
Nawrocki – Feeds & Biomass – Pelleting Technologies offer special equipment that completes the Biomass Pelleting Module with full functionality of a pelleting plant:
- straw shredding system,
- wood chipping system,
- biomass drying system,
- bag and big-bag packing system,
- complete dust aspiration system,
- bulk material truck dispatch system
Since the Biomass Pelleting Module is a standarized product you take the following advantages:
- full technological compatibility of the MGB machinery and appliances
- complete delivery for a specific raw material and capacity,
- short time of delivery (up to 10 weeks),
- low costs of purchase and maintenance
- quick investment reimbursement.
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