Biomethane Solution for the Challenges of Agriculture
Biomethane energy and mobility from agroindustrial waste has the potential to be a gamechanger for the worldwide agriculture. Agriculture itself is a major environmental polluter and responsible for almost 25% of the worldwide CO2 emissions. Waste from food production amounts to 1.300.000.000 tons per year. To turn organic residues and manure – unavoidable byproducts – into the second-generation biofuel biomethane has become a fascinating idea for us. Biogas, the source of biomethane, is a multi-talent applying to solve several problems: distributed energy generation with electricity and heat self-supply, vehicle fuel or substitution of fossile diesel, natural gas and LNG, but also CO2 as a product and the organic fertilizer and compost.
Biomethane is a more and more developing approach beneath the dominating electricity and heat usage of biogas. Biomethane not only helps farmers to save money with up to 50% lower fuel costs, the environmental impact of food production could also be reduced by substituting fossile diesel and GHG emissions from rotting waste in the same time: the worldwide potential of the biomethane business model can save up to 5% of the worldwide CO2 emissions.
To make this vision possible, Atmove has developed technologies and partnerships to provide a one-stop-shop for biomethane compatible with Biogas from different sources and technologies:
Atmove helps to plan and to implement the integrated solution of biomethane upgrading starting with the storage to the gas filling station for existing biogas plants and projects.
Atmove can also support in the development of holistic projects including biogas plant and the biomethane upgrading. Atmove has a broad network of technology suppliers that we integrate in the depending on the region and the project.
A good storage solution can equalize production fluctuations and enables the upgrading to run on constant volumes. The desulfurization is important to be already installed in front of the storage in order not to harm the upgrading technology.
Atmove is open to a variety of proven upgrading technologies such as water scrubbing and PSA for bigger biogas plants, but has focused heavily on membrane technology, which we believe will prevail in the medium term. The mobile upgrading system developed by Atmove and the Vienna University of Technology (see below) in particular works due to the required compactness with membrane technology.
Atmove integrates the technologies for filling gas bundles and their logistics as well as the gas filling stations with local partners to achieve the best functionality and price ratio.
Upgrading Biogas
The worldwide innovation of “Mobi”, the mobile biogas upgrading unit, was developed by the Technical University of Vienna and Spirit Design in joint forces. During our project experiences in Brasil with our partner CIBiogas and Itaipu, we identified the need of such a mobile solution to develop the regional market of biomethane simultaneous to the biogas market. As new biogas plants are installed and start to produce biogas, initially it does not need a maximum production and the big investment of a stationary upgrading.
Only until the region starts to adapt to the supply of biomethane in different areas like substituting LPG, gasoline and diesel, the mobile upgrading unit is the best solution to share the investment costs of upgrading technology. Either big plants or a network of medium sized and smaller plants can in this way be consolidated into a biomethane region. If the biomethane demand rises and reaches a critical volume, a containerized and modular upgrading system can be implemented, based on the same membrane technology like the “Mobi”.
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