Biovoima - Biomethane Filling Station
From Solutions
Upgraded biogas is used as transport fuel for passenger cars and heavy vehicles and distributed at the biomethane filling stations.
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Product Details
Suomen Biovoima Oy has launched a completely new BioPark® gas filling station concept. Its unique technical scalability and cost-effective visual design make it an excellent solution for large and small transport gas distributors as well as for private gas filling station builders.
BioPark® is built on an entirely new way of thinking based on enabling the future business growth and development of the customer’s gas filling station in a cost-effective manner.
When selecting the capacity of a BioPark® gas filling station, the compressor space, piping and valves are designed from the very beginning so that gas filling station capacity can be doubled in the future without changing the entire structure, which often is the case today. This saves significant sums of money.
Moreover BioPark® gas filling station is from the outset licensed for larger gas storage and filling capacity than initially planned (depending on the country). This usually does not increase the cost of the permit process at the gas filling station investment stage, but can save months of paper warfare and associated costs during the expansion phase.
Gas filling station’s elegant design attracts end customers
The design of BioPark® gas filling stations has been approached with the following challenge: How do you design a gas filling station that is both stylish and attractive to end users without a high price tag?
We have solved this by using design partners whose expertise combines visual design with feasible structural and layout design. The end result includes three types of stations: BioCurve®, BioArch® and BioWave®. These models give each gas filling station a unique customer-branded look while keeping the cost of materials and structures at a reasonable level.
The heart of a gas filling station is a reliable gas compressor. At BioPark® gas filling stations, this role is driven by Fornovo Gas compressors manufactured in Italy with over 40 years of experience. Fornovo Gas Srl is the European market leader in gas compressors and an official partner of Suomen Biovoima.
The capacity of the compressor is selected for each gas filling station according to the capacity requirement, however, so that it is initially at least 200 Nm3/h. Choosing a gas compressor smaller than this would only bring small cost savings at the investment stage, but now the capacity allows 5-10 passenger cars to be refueled per hour, thus ensuring gas supply at smaller gas stations even during the rush hour. Future increase in refueling capacity will be simple and inexpensive, because space and pipeline reservations are made in advance.
Canopy options: BioCurve®, BioArch® and BioWave®
This is what the canopies of BioPark® gas filling stations look like.
Their unique design ensures good usability and suitability in the surrounding landscape. Gas filling station can be implemented in accordance with the customer’s brand colors and logo.
The fuel dispensers can be either single- or double-sided with one hose on each gas dispenser side. Gas distribution is convenient and safe.
Gas filling stations delivered by Biovoima can be supplied as a technology delivery or a turnkey solution. The delivery package covers, if necessary, the entire process of producing, upgrading, pressurizing and storing gas up to fuel dispensers, payment terminals and installations.
In biomethane filling stations, Biovoima’s partner is an Italian company Fornovo Gas Srl with over 40 years of experience and over 1000 references in gas pressurization and gas filling station deliveries.
Biomethane is an affordable fuel with high energy content. The same amount of energy and thus the number of kilometers traveled by the car is currently achieved by about 30% lower fuel costs than the petrol vehicle. In addition, biomethane is a carbon-neutral fuel, and its combustion process is completely free of particulate matter.
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