Bitumen - Model 7 200m3 - Carrier
From Bitumen
The FKAB design is a bitumen, chemical and product oil tanker with independent cargo tanks for bitumen and asphalt with a temperature of up to 250°C. The vessel is designed with single bottom and double sides for ballast water.
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Products Details
The high temperature variations require special design considerations, mainly because of thermal expansion of tanks and pipes. The cargo tanks consist of two blocks, forward and aft of the pump-room, with five and four tanks respectively in each block. Each tank block is only fixed in the middle and therefore able to move longitudinally, depending on the temperature. There is no structure inside the cargo tanks. Propulsion is provided by Four (4) stroke, medium speed diesel engine with a gearbox to be fitted with PTI/PTO and shaft generator coupled to a CPP!-propeller. Take me home device, to comply with ice rules, PTI from the auxiliaries.
In order to save fuel the shaft generator is connected via a frequency converter allowing optimum propeller rpm at various speed.
Fuel consumption per 24 hours at the service speed 13 knots 85% MCR including shaft generator engaged at normal service condition and 15% sea margin. Cruising range is to be XXXX nm with FO
Bureau Veritas: I + HULL, +MACH, Oil Tanker/ Chemical Tanker/Asphalt carrier, Max cargo temp. 250C, IMO 2, Finnish-Swedish ice class 1A, Unrestricted navigation, AVM-APS, AUT-IMS,SYS_NEQ,SYS-IBS,MON-SHAFT, Inwater survey; Clean ship super. ESP, Unrestricted Navigation, Ice 1A, AUT-IMS , SYS-IBS-1,MON-Shaft, VCS.
Main Particulars
- Length over all 119,90 m
- Length between PP 116,20 m
- Breadth mld 19,40 m
- Depth mld 10,80m
- Draught design 7,35 m
- Draught scantling 8,30 m
- Deadweight at design draught 7 760 tonnes
- Deadweight at scantling draught 9 400 tonnes
- Cargo capacity 7 200 m3
- HFO tanks 400 m3
- MDO tanks 200 m3
- Technical FW tanks 50 m3
- Domestic FW tanks 70 m3
- Water ballast 2 700 m3
- Main engine Four stroke, medium speed 3 480 kW at 750 rpm
- Aux engines 1 x 975 kW and 1x 645 kW
- Shaft generator 1 050 kW (PTI/PTO/PTH)
- 2 x oiled fired thermal oil heaters 2 x 1 500kW
- 1x main engine exhaust gas heater to supply thermal oil heating plant.
- Bow thruster 800 kW
- Cargo pumps 3 x 400 m3/h
- Ballast pumps 2 x 400 m3/h
- Accommodation 15 pers
- Gross tonnage XXXX
- Nett tonnage XXXX
- EED —
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