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GTS Energy Equipment & Supplies

6 equipment items found
  • based in NETHERLANDS

    Gastreatment Services (GtS) has three types of flares, which we export worldwide. Our flares are individually designed for the capacity specified by the NER. The ATEX, CE and PED guidelines are followed for this as standard. ...

  • based in NETHERLANDS

    The by GtS developed GTP-filter is an "all-in-one" system combining: gas cooling/drying, reheating and filtering in one body. The GTP-filter protects your downstream equipment such as CHP (Combined Heating & Power) & boiler installations against the destructive effects of wet and sour Biogas. For further H2S removal the GTP can be installed upstream a vessel with activated carbon for H2S ...

  • based in NETHERLANDS

    This installation is built from the following parts: Inlet valve. Gas/gas heat exchanger. Gas/water heat exchanger. Cold water machine. Coalescing filter. Gas pressure regulation with safety shut off valve. Outlet valve. Pressure regulator and pneumatic blow down valve. Condensate storage with pump. Instrumentatation (manometers etc.). ...

  • based in NETHERLANDS

    GtS provides gas mixing systems to add natural gas to geothermal gas to achieve a minimum caloric value. Also for other gasses GtS can design and build gas mixing stations, for example for adding air to biogas in order to make Active Carbon work properly or if the natural gas quality fluctuates a lot. In order to use geothermal gas, it has to be cleaned first. GtS can provide an installation that ...

  • based in NETHERLANDS

    The secondary network is heated from the geothermal installation. With this warm water, the heat is supplied to the grower in the collection ...

  • based in NETHERLANDS

    Most often they try to utilize biogas in various applications such as (bio) gas engines for the production of electricity and heat (CHP), hot water / steam boilers for supplying heat to business processes, biogas processing plants that process the biogas into green gas that is suitable for injection into the natural gas network or for upgrading to liquid biogas (LBG), as a fuel for buses and ...

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