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Johanson Energy Equipment & Supplies

3 equipment items found
  • Manufactured by Johanson Dielectrics
    based in USA

    This Multilayer Ceramic device integrates two balanced shunt capacitors featuring mutual inductance cancellation and shielding. Its monolithic broadband filter provides effective rejections for single-ended and differential configurations. Suitable for both EMI filtering and noise attenuation, it serves as an efficient EMC solution for common mode and differential noise problems. Offering ...

  • Manufactured by Johanson Dielectrics
    based in USA

    AC power ceramic capacitors by Johanson Dielectrics are specifically engineered to handle high voltage and high capacitance applications. These capacitors are available in various configurations, including the 1808 and 1812 sizes, and come with different voltage ratings, such as 1000V. Designed with Ni/Sn (RoHS compliant) terminations, these capacitors are typically used in environments where ...

  • Manufactured by Johanson Dielectrics
    based in USA

    Johanson Dielectrics offers a variety of surface mount ceramic chip capacitors using NP0 and X7R dielectrics, rated from 10 to 450 VDC. These capacitors are suitable for a range of applications, including military, aerospace, and high-reliability sectors. The Camarillo facility features comprehensive in-house testing capabilities, including Mil-Standard testing groups A, B, and C, as well as ...

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