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Maarky Energy Equipment & Supplies

3 equipment items found
  • based in USA

    Power plants use a variety of heat exchangers to transfer heat between various fluids. The heat exchanger configuration is dictated by the thermal and hydraulic application. Maarky heat exchangers are designed using the Heat Transfer Research, Inc. programs and in-house design ...

  • based in USA

    Regenerative heating of feedwater is essential to enhancing the efficiency of a power cycle. The feedwater is heated to the maximum permissible extent in a feedwater heater using controlled or uncontrolled extraction from the steam ...

  • based in USA

    The pressing need to lower emissions from fossil power plants has focused worldwide attention on renewable sources of energy such as solar, wind, geothermal and biomass. Concentrated Solar Power (CSP) plants have emerged as strong contenders for alternate sources of energy. Rapid advances in mirror technology have slowly but steadily narrowed the gap in the capital investment between solar ...

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