Pentomag Energy Equipment & Supplies

4 equipment items found
  • Manufactured by Pentol-Enviro AG
    based in SWITZERLAND

    Certain coals tend to form slag and sintered deposits in the combustion chamber of the boiler. These slagging effects lead to a reduction in efficiency of the plant and eventually the plant needs to be shut down for cleaning in short intervals. PentoMag 2550 contains chemicals that increase the fusion temperature of metals contained in coal ash, thus preventing that ash can stick to the boiler ...

  • Manufactured by Pentol-Enviro AG
    based in SWITZERLAND

    PentoMag® 4450 increases the overall efficiency of diesel engines by around 5%. This may sound unbelievable, but we can achieve this goal by optimizing not only the engine itself, but most of all the fuel oil treatment station. Read the following pages to get an impression on how we can achieve this goal and get in contact with one of our combustion engineers to discuss the possibility of ...

  • Manufactured by Pentol-Enviro AG
    based in SWITZERLAND

    Sedimentation and Sludge formation can occur in oil storage tanks, oil preheaters, strainers and fuel lines.The main cause of sediment and sludge in oil tanks and fuel oil lines is due to separation of the water content from the fuel oil and when asphaltenes, waxes and other materials flocculate and ...

  • Manufactured by Pentol-Enviro AG
    based in SWITZERLAND

    PentoMag is our brand name for a group of magnesium-based products. Using magnesia of different origin and form, we prevent the formation of vanadium deposits and neutralize sulfuric acid. Pentol produces both additives as well as automatic dosing equipment for the protection and efficiency increase of your ...

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