Radhika Energy Equipment & Supplies
Manufactured by Radhika Engineersbased in INDIA
Municipal Solid waste incineration is the most advanced level of the waste disposal / treatment hierarchy-indiscriminate dumping, controlled dumping, landfilling, sanitary landfilling, and mechanical treatment. Solid waste arises from human activities- Domestic commercial, Industrial, agricultural, wastewater treatment and so ...
Manufactured by Radhika Engineersbased in INDIA
Our incinerators are manufactured utilizing high standards of technology that have been developed through many years of experience in building high quality, economical and reliable incinerators. Our incinerator is designed that provide outstanding performance and have an exceptional lifespan. Our incinerator are a equipped with fully automatic control system. Our incinerator utilizes the two ...
Manufactured by Radhika Engineersbased in INDIA
Large Animal waste incinerators incinerate big dead animals like Cow, Pig, buffalo, Oxe, Horse etc. It is widely used to destroy to animal infection diseases, viruses and animal waste material. These products are manufactured using latest technology machinery. Large Animal Incinerator is double wall construction, duly insulated with high efficiency ceramic bricks, with dual chambers for complete ...
Manufactured by Radhika Engineersbased in INDIA
Diaper waste incineration is the most advanced level of the waste disposal / treatment hierarchy: indiscriminate dumping, controlled dumping, land filling, sanitary land filling, and mechanical treatment. Solid waste arises from residential societies :- Baby diapers and adult diapers and so ...
Manufactured by Radhika Engineersbased in INDIA
A crematorium (also known as a crematory, cremator or retort) is a machine in which bodies are burned down to the bones, eliminating all soft tissue. While open outdoor pyres were used in the past and are often still used in many areas of the world today, notably India, most cremation in industrialized nations takes place within enclosed furnaces designed to maximize utilization of the thermal ...
Manufactured by Radhika Engineersbased in INDIA
Historically, burning napkins, medical waste has been the only way to prevent the spread of disease. Current method of napkin disposal is unhygienic and results in inconvenience to citizens, environment, animals and Nature. Today, incineration is a method by which controlled combustion of waste matter can be done with minimal environmental impact. Incineration is the best method to control ...
Manufactured by Radhika Engineersbased in INDIA
Incineration uses combustion to make infectious industrial waste harmless and reduce the waste mass and volume by more than 90 percent. Proper incineration can convert certain wastes into gases and incombustible solid residues (e.g., ash) that are relatively harmless. A dual-chamber incinerator operated within the optimal temperature range of 850° to 1200°C results in a lower level of ...
Manufactured by Radhika Engineersbased in INDIA
Small Animal waste incinerators to be used to incinerate dead animals like Dog, Goat, Pigs, Hen, Cat, Duck etc. It is commonly used in animal hospitals, clinics, animal shelters, animal control area etc. It is widely used to destroy to animal infection diseases, viruses and animal waste material. Dead animal incinerator with dual chambers for complete combustible their dead bodies / ...
Manufactured by Radhika Engineersbased in INDIA
The disposal of medical waste is based on the principal of incineration of the waste so as to destroy any degradable and infectious material and reduce it volume and mass without producing any type of ...
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