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Setec Battery Capacity Equipment & Supplies

2 equipment items found
  • based in CHINA

    Measuring battery's health status online, no need to depart battery from battery system to ensure safety. ·Measurable 1.2V - 12V and other specifications single cell , capacity range :0 - 6000AH.·Using big DC current test method, strong anti-interference ability, high test accuracy,repeated measurement stability ...

  • based in CHINA

    CHAdeMO To Home, Output Power: 1-3KW/Single Phase, EVs as power sources for living. "Vehicle to Home" is a system that allows you to supply your home with the energy stored in a Nissan LEAF's battery. By charging up a Nissan LEAF at night when there is more capacity for electrical supply and then using that electricity as the daytime power source for a ...

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