CalBench, Brand of Time Electronics

CalBench, Brand of Time Electronics

- Model CBP-ELEC Series - Electrical Calibration Benches


CalBench's electrical calibration benches, including models CBP-ELEC1, CBP-ELEC2, and CBP-ELEC3, are versatile systems designed for calibrating engineers' test tools and electronic devices. These benches are equipped with various modules and related components that allow users to perform precision electrical calibration. They are suitable for calibrating instruments such as multimeters, clamp meters, and insulation and installation testers. Each calibration bench package offers precise electrical source and measurement capabilities, ensuring accurate calibration results for a wide range of applications. These packages are essential for maintaining the reliability and accuracy of electrical measuring equipment.


Our electrical calibration bench packages are multifunction systems for calibrating engineers test tools and electronic devices. They incorporate modules and accompanying products that enable users to perform electrical calibration of products like multimeters, clamp meters, insulation and installation testers. Each package has precision electrical source and measurement capabilities to perform the necessary calibration applications.

  • CBP-ELEC1, CBP-ELEC2, CBP-ELEC3 packages
  • Calibrate electrical & electronic test tools
  • Source/measure V, I , Ω, frequency & more
  • Electrical multifunction calibrator module
  • Simulate & measure RTDs, thermocouples
  • Electrical test modules, scopes, function generators
  • Variable AC and DC power supply modules
  • Products for service work like soldering and repairs
  • Antistatic workstation kit with matting included

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