Caldyn Apparatebau GmbH

Caldyn Apparatebau GmbH

- Model ABR - Desulphurisation System without Residual Water



Depending on the dust concentration of the flue gas a cyclone is installed for pre-dedusting (optional). Lime slurry from the bottom of the scrubber is atomized into the spray absorber by nozzles. The lime reacts with the acid flue gas pollutants SO2, HF and HCl. For the removal of the dust and the dry reaction products a deduster MULTIWIR is used. After dedusting, the flue gas is saturated before the inlet to the scrubber by water injected with two-phase nozzles CSL. In the scrubber the pollutants are removed by atomization of lime and in a second stage by atomization of fresh water, thus achieving the requested clean gas concentrations.


Strict adherence to legal limits!
CALDYN has developed a process for desulphurisation of industrial exhaust gases without residual water. The residual pollutant concentrations of SOx, HCl, HF and dust achieved with the ABR-system are substantially lower than the legal limits.

Main Advantages

Optimum results, reliable and economical!

  • The residual concentrations of pollutants prescribed by the law are safely respected.

  • The absorbent consumption is low (stoichiometric factor 1,1).

  • The system does not produce any residual water.

  • Aerosols are removed with low energy consumption.

  • Due to small dimensions of the plant the capital investment is low.

  • The system can be operated with reliable removal efficiency within a wide temperature range.

  • A reliable operation of the spray absorber with lime is ensured.

  • The ABR system is plugging-free even with high lime and dust concentrations.

Scope of Supply

Sophisticated plants designed for your special requirements!

Our scope of supply comprises a detailed engineering, the delivery of components and complete plants. Due to the specific design of each plant legal limits for the pollutants can be achieved.

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