Carbon OxyTech - Clean Fuel
New clean, sulfur and nitrogen free fuel provides a technically sound, cost-effective and environmentally friendly impact for power and steam generation.
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Product Details
Petroleum coke and asphaltenes, the residual feedstocks, contain high sulfur and nitrogen contents which are currently used as a fuel for steam generators, electricity, iron and steel industries. Burning these feedstocks without further processing poses several environmental problems including high SO2 and NOX emissions, as well as issues of corrosion due to the presence of sulfur, nickel and vanadium. Through our innovative technology these dirty fuels can be routed into a cleaner combustible fuel, free of sulfur, nitrogen and metal contents for energy generation. This clean fuel is easier and faster to oxidize than the used fuel with a higher heating value (HHV). In addition, our clean fuel is ignited at a lower temperature (~30% less than used fuel), which can be blended with other fuel to provide a technically sound, cost-effective and environmentally friendly way of burning these feedstocks for power generation as an alternative to coal.
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