Carrier - Conventional Fluid Bed Dryers
From Drying / Cooling
Carrier conventional fluid beds are designed to dry and/or cool a variety of products without the aid of vibration.
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Fluid bed processing passes a gas directly through a bed of solid material via a perforated plate, nozzles, or other fluidizing media, thereby lifting and mixing the solids.
- Fluid bed is established by passing gas through a bed of solids. At a certain gas velocity (the fluidization velocity), the bed will behave much like a boiling liquid.
- Fluid beds can be multi-functional, i.e. drying, cooling, classifying, sterilizing, etc., in a single unit.
- Continuous operation or batch.
- Product is continually mixed to promote uniformity.
- Easily adaptable to batch or continuous processing.
- Indirect heat transfer tubes or plates can be immersed in the bed to significantly reduce size and cost of the fluid bed and increase energy efficiency.
- Efficient heat transfer with low energy consumption.
- Efficient processing without product degradation; gentle fluidizing action.
- Vibration can be used to aid in processing more difficult products.
- Sampling ports.
- Variation in process by controlling bed depth, retention time, and product temperature.
- Sanitary, U.S.D.A (3A) approved construction.
- Easily cleaned, rugged construction, dust tight, and low maintenance.
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