Catalytic Roaster
This type of roaster uses the same principle of drying of that fluid, the only difference lies in the fact that the vibrating table is not perforated, also this roaster has a fluid of air which is 1/5 of those fluid air (3,600 m3 /h). The gas is overheated, initially in the burner chamber, thanks to an electric resistance incandescent that arrived at a temperature between 250°C/300°C triggers the burning of the methane or G.P.L, following the electrical resistance will shut down, into the chamber of the burner to burn down the gas and, moreover, will trigger an air flow. This gas, that will create heat, will be dispersed in the underlying part thanks to the special structure formed by the wool of ceramics. Above these burners are positioned two fans, driven by the inverter. The substantial difference with the roaster pure lies in the fact that these use air to toast and pure those using the direct radiation.
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