CECO Aarding - Gas Turbine Diffusers and Plenums
From CECO Aarding - Gas Turbine Exhaust Systems
The gas turbine diffuser duct or Plenum duct section is one of the major transition areas between the gas turbine exhaust and the exhaust system. The Diffuser directs exhaust gas flow through a straight flow, while the Plenum duct changes the flow of gas into a 90 degree bend. Our Peerless-Aarding brand Gas Turbine Diffusers and Plenum is specifically engineered to cope with strong gas turbine exhaust gas swirl characteristics, high gas velocities, and high temperatures. Our solutions utilize cold casing designs to ensure optimal performance, accommodate start and stop operations, and operate well under elevated temperature operations, delivering reliable and dependable products to fit your needs.
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- Low Total Cost of Ownership
- High quality construction for reliable long-life through
- Cold casing designs to accommodate start and stop operation, as well as operation at elevated temperatures
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