CECO Peerless - Secondary Separators within Nuclear Reactor Vessels (Boiling Water Reactor Plants)
From CECO Peerless - Nuclear Power Separators
A boiling water reactor, or BWR, is a nuclear reactor used to produce electrical power. Its reactor core heats the water, which then turns to steam to power a steam turbine. The Peerless brand Secondary Separator within Nuclear Reactor Vessels (Boiling Water Reactor Plants), or “steam dryer”, is used as the final stage of water separation within a BWR. Through years of experience and our Computational Fluid Dynamic (CFD) analysis, our solutions are custom-designed to ensure optimal efficiency, increased power output, and maximum performance with 99.9% steam quality.Our separators use high capacity vane profiles, effective distribution manifolds, and efficient water removal systems to deliver maximum effect, durability, and reliability, meeting your specific requirements and environmental standards.
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- Low Total Cost of Ownership
- High reliability and efficiency
- Optimal performance with 99.9% steam quality
- Established as the standard for the new two generation nuclear power plants: Westinghouse AP1000 and Areva EPR
- Audited quality program to meet the requirements of USNRC 10CFR50, Appendix B
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