Chaiwei - Model CW-500GFL - Coal Oven Gas Generator Set
From Coal Oven Gas Generator Set
The producing method of coke oven gas is as below mentioned: raw coal is crushed and washed, after that ,different coal will be mixed together with different ratio and put into furnace ,and then it will produce coal gas and coal tar with high temperature pyrolysis in air –free condition.
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Products Details
Gas composition of Coke oven gas
- H2:50~60
- O2:0.4~0.6
- CH4:22~26
- CmHn:2.2~2.6
- CO:2~3
- CO2:2.2
- N2:2.24
Requirements for coal gas genset
- Coal gas temperature ≤40℃
- Pressure of coal producer gas :3-10kpa,rate of pressure change≤1kpa/min
- H2S≤200mg/Nm3
- NH3≤20 mg/Nm3
- Tar content≤50 mg/Nm3
- Inpurity particle size≤5um ,Impurity content≤30mg/Nm3
- Moisture content≤40 mg/Nm3
- Gas heat value≥4.2MJ/Nm3
Remarked: If fuel gas contains higher quantity of sulfur and ammonia ,it not only corrodes the pole of spark plug seriously, but also increases the acid value which corrodes internal parts of genset and corrodes the genset with precipitates.
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