Clean-air - Model Basic 2000 - Time-tested Powered Respiratory System
A time-tested powered respiratory system determined for workplaces with air contaminated by particles. An easily exchangeable P3 particle filter protects against solid and liquid particles (eg. toxic dust, smoke, fibres, mists, fumes, bacteria and viruses). The round design with a silver lid tracing the filter shape gives the unit its unique visage and well-balanced gra vidity ensures wearing comfort.
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Basic 2000 Flow Control
Basic 2000 Flow Control
The unit providing a higher class protection offers more options of airflow level, moreover the special electronics keeps the constant airflow rate regardless of battery voltage and filter clogging. Option of 8 air flow levels will satisfy the most demanding users. The unit is easily operated by the control panel with pictograms. The LED display shows the chosen airflow. after pressing a button the user gets information about the remaining battery voltage or filter capacity. If the flow rate falls below 140 l/min the accoustic and visual signal starts up.
Basic 2000 Dual Flow
The unit can be operated at HEKO' or 'TURBO' modes with the flow rate of either 160 or 210 l/min. The Turbo regime is especially valuable for hard work and for work in hot areas. The ECO regime with a lower but suficient air flow of 160 l/min prolongs the operating time. A flow indicator which enables to check the limit level of the airflow is included.
Filter for Clean-Air Basic 2000
Filter for Clean-Air Basic 2000
is a particle filter that provides protection against all types of particles (dust particles, solid and liquid aerosols, toxic smoke).The filter separates no less than 99,9998% of the pollution in the air.
- Certification : EN 12941, type PSL
- Temperature range for storage and service : 0°C to + 40°C
- Dimensions : (diameter / height) : 132 / 55 mm
- Weight : 100g
Prefilter for Clean-air Basic 2000
prolongs the life time of the main filter. Made of 100% PES suitable for air filtration, protects the PSL particle filter against premature clogging by larger particles. Can be easily fastened around a particle filter by sticky tapes which are ready for use on both sides of the prefilter.
Odour filter
Removes unpleasant odours and thus provides additional comfort.
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