Cleaner Electricity Production
From Sustainable Energy
Areas of Work:
Areas of Work:
- Regulatory and policy dialogue
- Sharing best practices in the field of cleaner electricity production from fossil fuels in the ECE region
- Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS), as well as carbon utilization
Enhanced oil recovery with carbon dioxide (CO2) - Advanced fossil fuels technologies for power generation
- Evaluation of efficiency enhancing measures for coal-fired power plants including steam generators, air and flue gas systems, steam turbines, generators.
In 2014 the Group of Experts is focused primarily on CCS. International activities for UNECE member States to consider are opportunities to collaborate and actively participate in several upcoming Carbon Sequestration Leadership Forum (CSLF) Working Groups on the following topics:
- Technical working group activities in CO2 utilization options
CCS technology gaps closure - Carbon capture energy penalty reduction
- Carbon capture and storage (CCS) with industrial emissions sources
Technical challenges for conversion of CO2-enhanced oil recovery (EOR) to CCS - Identifying and assessing links between technology-related risks and liability
Competition of CCS with other resources - Stimulating introduction of innovative technologies, notably on electricity with a focus on controlling emissions
- Analysis of the efficiency of the fleet of conventional power plants and based on this development of best practices on the implementation of modernization measures from an economic and environmental perspective.
The work of the Group of Experts on Cleaner Energy Production from Fossil Fuels is not limited to CCS. ECE member States could decide to develop other concrete and results-oriented activities within agreed mandates. CSE encourages the exchange of know-how and best practices between relevant experts of all member States in order to attract investments in advanced fossil fuels technologies for electricity generation with a view to supporting industrial and economic competitiveness and achieving low-carbon sustainable development.
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