OnPower, Inc

OnPower, Inc

Compressor Drive Packaged Systems


Package Features: Siemens SGT-A05 (Industrial 501-K) Aeroderivative Industrial Gas Turbines. Two shaft turbine design, power turbine speed to match gas compressor. Light weight turbine design easy to remove and handle. Modular Construction simplifies on-site maintenance and increases on-line availability. Rugged Reliable Performance. Single lift structural base plate for gas generator, power turbine and compressor reduces installation time and insures alignment. Package mounted acoustical and weatherproof enclosures simplify installation. Remote mounted gas turbine and compressor control panels suitable for control room installation. Multiple Fuel System and Emission Control Options Dry Low Emission System Available. Mechanical Run and Performance Testing at the factory reduces on-site time for commissioning.


Nominal rating based on ISO standard conditions at 15ºC (59ºF), sea level and no inlet / exhaust duct losses, relative humidity 60% and natural gas fuel with lower heating value (LHV) 35 MJ/nm3 (940 Btu/scf).
RR 501KC5s; RR 501KC7s

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