Condo/ Apartment
From Homes
Own a condo, or rent an apartment where your landlord takes care of your utilities? Either way, you can green your power with Bullfrog.
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Green electricity
Green electricity
- 100% Green electricity (450 kWh)
Benefits include:
- You fund new green energy projects
- Get listed on the Green Energy Champions list
- Receive a cool lawn sign and decals
- Become a member of the Bullfrog community
- Get access to cool Bullfrog gear
Green natural gas
- 100% Green natural gas (110 m3/4.2 GJ)
Benefits include:
- You fund new green energy projects
- Get listed on the Green Energy Champions list
- Receive a cool lawn sign and decals
- Become a member of the Bullfrog community
- Get access to cool Bullfrog gear
Bullfrog bundle
- 100% Green electricity (450 kWh)
- 50% Green natural gas (55 m3/2.1 GJ)
- All benefits included in single packages,
- plus receive:
- First access to Bullfrog events
- Great offers from bullfrogpowered companies
- Access to even more Bullfrog gear
Complete bundle
- 100% Green electricity (450 kWh)
- 100% Green natural gas (110 m3/4.2 GJ)
- All benefits included in single packages and the Bullfrog bundle,
- plus receive:
- Access to all awesome Bullfrog gear
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