Conefire - Model GB - Process Firing Burner
From Industrial Burners
CONEFIRE® - process burners are available from 100 kW for gaseous and liquid heating fuels as well as dual-fuel burners. CONEFIRE® process burners are having a wide turn-down of 40:1 (near- stoichiometric 10:1). Due to their reliability and low-emission combustion, CONEFIRE® process burners have become a first choice burner for plate dryers, drying furnaces and post-combustion systems.
Most popular related searches
- Gas or multi fuel burner for process heating or drying processes
- Capacity range from 125 – 4.000 kW
- Fuel turn down gas up to 1 : 50
- Fuel turn down oil up to 1 : 10
- Flame monitoring by uv cell, ionization possible
- Low air pressure demand
- Modular design
- Adaptable mixing unit
- Fuel lances for gas, oil, gas oil or other gaseous or liquid fuels available
- With integrated gas pilot by liquid fuel and gas burner > size 4
Technical Details
- Gas nozzle differential pressure 12 – 15 mbar
- Combustion air differential pressure 15 – 20 mbar
- Oil supply pressure 6 bar
- Atomizing air supply pressure 6 bar
- Gas turn down up to 1 : 50
- Oil turn down up to 1 : 10
- Air turn down typical > 1 : 10
- Max. air preheating 200°C
- Max. application temperature 900°C
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