

Controlled Transfer


After hydrogen is liquefied and stored, the transfer and distribution systems are responsible for moving it to areas where it will be used. The transfer challenge of liquid hydrogen (LH2) is a step in the value chain that is often an after-thought or neglected. Offloading or transferring LH2 can be one of the biggest steps of hydrogen loss. GenH2’s innovative technology provides an integral servicing approach to transfer hydrogen while offering zero-loss.


To keep liquid hydrogen energy-dense and pure, advanced refrigerated storage systems are used to enhance its longevity and eliminate or mitigate boil-off. Additional challenges can arise and cause boil-off when hydrogen is transferred from storage systems. Significant hydrogen can be lost during the offtake process unless a zero-loss transfer process is used. GenH2 has developed a controlled refrigerated transfer (CRT) system that operates like controlled refrigerated storage by using a smart process to prevent boil-off and preserve the liquid hydrogen.

The LH2 transfer and distribution process is a key puzzle piece to enabling the success of hydrogen as a clean energy option. When the time comes to transfer and distribute the LH2, a specialized vacuum-jacketed transfer system is used to maintain the low cryogenic temperature. As vacuums do not conduct heat, they provide the perfect insulation to prevent loss and retain hydrogen in its liquid form for efficient distribution.

Zero-loss transfer and dispensing systems are crucial for hydrogen adoption, as they provide essential pathways for liquid hydrogen to reach the end-user. Using controlled transfer lines ensures zero-loss and efficient energy carrier transfer.

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