Convergent Science

- Academic Program


The CONVERGE Academic Program empowers students, professors, and academic researchers globally to contribute to the advancement of science and technology. We offer exclusive license deals (free in the United States and Europe) for our industry-leading computational fluid dynamics software, CONVERGE, for academic research. In addition, we provide free support, training, and resources for our academic users.

At Convergent Science, we strongly believe in the ...

At Convergent Science, we strongly believe in the societal value of academic research and the importance of educating the next generation of engineers, entrepreneurs, and innovators. We work with colleges and universities around the globe to support researchers in a diverse set of fields: automotive (including electromobility), aerospace, biomedical, renewable energy, and more. Skilled engineers in these fields have leveraged CONVERGE’s unique capabilities to study emissions from internal combustion engines, biofuels, lean blow-off in gas turbines, rotating detonation engines, pathogenic spread, atmospheric air pollution, wind farm design, blood pumps, and even climate conditions in poultry houses.

The benefits of the CONVERGE Academic Program extend to professors, educators, academic institutions, and industry at large. Because CONVERGE’s autonomous meshing significantly reduces the time needed to set up and run simulations, students and academic researchers are more productive, producing more compelling results and making exciting scientific and technological advances. In addition, our exclusive license deals mean you get the benefits of CONVERGE, along with our complimentary training and support, while spending less money.

Ultimately, the goal of the CONVERGE Academic Program is to help produce experienced, competent engineers who go on to contribute to industry and society. With the training and support offered to participants in our program, students enter the workforce not only knowing how to run CONVERGE simulations, but also with a deep understanding of the physics behind the models and the knowledge and skills to drive innovation.


There are many reasons for high school, undergraduate, and graduate students to participate in the CONVERGE Academic Program.

Jump-start your career. CONVERGE is widely used in industry, academia, and government. Your CONVERGE knowledge will be a powerful asset as you look for engineering jobs after graduation. While of course we hope you will continue to use CONVERGE beyond your academic experience, the skills and knowledge you gain working with our software, interacting with experienced CONVERGE support engineers, and through our free training are directly transferable to post-graduation engineering jobs. 

Spend your time on what matters. Manually making meshes for CFD simulations can be an arduously long process, sometimes taking weeks or months. CONVERGE automatically generates an optimized Cartesian mesh at runtime, effectively eliminating all user meshing time. The result? You have more time to devote to research and analysis, and you can accomplish more in the same amount of time than you could with a different CFD solver. 

Trust your results. CONVERGE’s state-of-the-art physical models have been validated for a wide array of conditions and applications. In addition, CONVERGE’s Adaptive Mesh Refinement automatically refines the grid at each simulation time-step, ensuring that you capture the important physical phenomena necessary for accurate, predictive simulation results. 

Incorporate your own models. Are you developing or testing a novel physical model? You can easily incorporate your own models into CONVERGE with user-defined functions (UDFs) and tailor our software to meet your research needs.

Attend free CONVERGE training. Learning to use CONVERGE is simple with our wide selection of training courses. We offer hands-on introductory training, in which you learn the process for setting up and running a CONVERGE simulation from start to finish. If you’re interested in modeling a specific application or learning more about a particular CONVERGE feature, we have many in-depth advanced courses for you to choose from. We want to help you leverage the full potential of CONVERGE, so all of our training courses are free.

Work with CONVERGE support. At Convergent Science, we want to help you excel in your academic career and beyond. Our experienced and knowledgeable support engineers are ready to help you set up your case, troubleshoot problems, and interpret your results—all free of charge.


Interested in obtaining an academic CONVERGE license? Simply fill out our Contact Us form, select “Academic Inquiry” as your topic, and include a brief description of the project for which you’d like to use CONVERGE—a Convergent Science team member in your area will reach out to get the licensing process started!

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