CoolVac - Electric Insulation Removal Vacuums
From Vacuums
Contractors often find vacuuming needs within a building. Large commercial, industrial and residences need the unit inside their building. The CoolVac electric vacuums allow the flexibility of working inside because they do not use gas engines.
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Products Details
How do the electric vacuums compare to their gas equivalents?
We offer two horsepower options – 5 and 10. To compare the power to a gas vacuum, just double the number. You need just half the horsepower of a gas engine.
5HP Electric Vacuum (comparable to 11hp gas vacuum)- 5 h.p. 3-phase motor with AC variable speed drive to convert 240 volt single phase to 240 volt 3 phase.
- 240 volt 1 phase 30 amp
- 10K generator can be used to power this unit
- Power requirements: 480 volt 30 amp 3 phase
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