SRS Crisafulli, Inc.

SRS Crisafulli, Inc.


- Skid Mounted and Trailer Mounted Power Units



Crisafulli skid mounted and trailer mounted power units, powered by electric motors or diesel engines, that have PTO take offs or hydraulic systems. To provide hydraulic power to Crisafulli Hydraulic Pumps, Crisafulli builds Crisafulli Standard Power Units in four configurations, each either skid or dual axle mounted - i.e., Crisafulli Diesel/Hydraulic Power Units, Crisafulli Gas/Hydraulic Power Units, Crisafulli Electric/Hydraulic Power Units, or Crisafulli PTO/Hydraulic Power Units. Depending on the model, hydraulic output ranges from 15 GPM to 150 GPM. Crisafulli will build your power unit mounted on a skid or a trailer for ease in transporting from site-to-site. The control panel on a Crisafulli Power Unit will be designed for your specific application.

Features & Benefits

  • A choice of unique impeller designs gives you more flexibility; the closed impeller moves a high volume of water, while the open impeller can handle slurries, trash, dirt, and solids.
  • Crisafulli Trailer Pumps are fabricated and customized specifically to your needs. While there are higher efficiency pumps out there for clean water, they often can't handle the variety of materials Crisafulli Pumps can handle. When the water is dirty, you can count on a Crisafulli Pump to handle the grit without seizing.
  • If you don't want to use the power take-off on your tractor or other equipment for your trailer pumps, add a Crisafulli Power Unit. Put power right on the pump frame; choose diesel, electric, gas or LP fuel. Or put a trailer or skid mounted Crisafulli Power Unit to work alongside your Crisafulli Trailer Pump.
  • Because Crisafulli Pumps come in a variety of configurations, you'll always find a match for your needs.
  • Add a slurry gate to make your pump a powerful mixer. Open the gate to mix, then close it to pump away the slurry.
  • Steel construction. Crisafulli Trailer pumps are built from 3/8' (industrial) mild carbon steel for durability and strength.
  • Crisafulli Trailer Pumps are built on single axle trailers with heavy duty drive shafts which enable you to move your trailer pump from site to site easily and safely.
  • Sealed or waterlube bearings - Crisafulli Trailer Pumps are custom-designed to match the kind of material you pump.
  • Crisafulli offers a full range of options to match your volume needs with discharge sizes from 4' to 24'.
  • Crisafulli Trailer Pump speed is matched to your PTO - 540 RPM is standard, but we also offer 1,000 RPM.
  • Each Crisafulli Trailer Pump has a Crisafulli Impeller Inside - your assurance of quality, performance, reliability and long useful life

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