CSO - Biological Desulphurisation Systems
Biological desulphurisation systems use naturally existing sulphur bacteria to reduce H2S from different gases. With oxygen contents above 2% by volume (typical application: odour control and biogas utilisation with CHPs) they produce sulphuric acid and in applications where the oxygen level is between 0.1 and 1% by volume (biogas desulphurisation at plants that upgrade the biogas to natural gas quality) such systems produce elemental sulphur. Both products are usable as good fertilisers.
- High H2S removal rates up to 99%
- Low to very low OPEX
- Very low pressure drop
- Customised plant design
- No chemical required
- Long design life (vessel, media, piping all in plastic)
- Stand-alone solution (no operational interlink with overall plant necessary)
- Plant control via Siemens PLC solution
- Design adapted to and fully compliable with UK regulations
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