Braden Group

Braden Group

Custom Exhaust Silencer



Innova offers testing, analysis, design and installation of cost-effective custom designed silencers that offer guaranteed results. Innova uses a proven, in-house proprietary silencer design program to design silencer baffles. Our acoustic baffle fill material is tested for exact acoustic properties to ensure acoustic performance, and the material is sourced from high purity mines for durability in harsh environments like the gas turbine exhaust. Our exhaust baffle supports are tried and true, built rugged, and designed to withstand high thermal cycling use.

Inlet and Exhaust Silencers

Inlet and Exhaust Silencers

Innova guarantees our inlet and exhaust silencers will achieve your acoustic design targets – no matter the limits. Our acoustical engineers test various DIL's (Dynamic Insertion Losses) to meet dBA, dBC or octave band requirements, while maintaining acceptable pressure drops.

  • Exhaust silencers in a vertical stack
  • Exhaust silencers in horizontal ductwork
  • Intake silencers
  • HRSG (Heat Recovery Steam Generator) exhaust stack silencers

Cooler Silencers

Innova's cooler silencers control noise from cooling equipment, cooling towers and air cooled condensers while maintaining proper air flow, pressure drop and equipment access.

  • Fin fan coolers
  • Lube oil coolers
  • Induced draft cooling towers
  • Plume abated cooling towers
  • Air cooled condensers
  • Chillers

Acoustical Ventilation Systems

Innova's acoustical ventilation systems reduce fan and motor noise using one or more noise abatement solutions.

  • Quiet fans (axial or radial)
  • Acoustically lined ridge vents
  • Acoustically lined weather hoods
  • Acoustically lined plenums
  • Acoustically lined louvers
  • Custom fan silencers

Vent and Blowdown Silencers

Innova's vent silencers reduce noise levels associated with the discharge of high pressure gases or steam into the atmosphere. All our silencers are custom-designed to meet your specific noise reduction and back pressure requirements.

  • Process vents
  • Steam discharge at power plants
  • Boiler blowdown
  • Safety and relief valve discharge
  • Compressor / gas transmission line blowdown

Duct Sound Abatement


Duct Sound Abatement

Breakout noise and vibration from intake and exhaust ducts can be extreme with certain engines. To treat unwanted duct noise, Innova provides custom-designed solutions.

  • Lagging
  • Double wall construction
  • Vibration isolation
  • Acoustic expansion joints

Add On for a Total System Solution

At Innova, we've worked to cover your power plant equipment needs right from the start. Along with our custom silencers, select from our impressive portfolio of OEM-approved, premier quality products for Gas Turbine applications.

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