Cyclone - Model DM100 DR - Single Phase UPS System
From UPS -1 Phase In / 1 Phase Out
Cyclone DM100 DSP Series UPS ore single phase in/single phase out, IGBT rectifier. Intelligent Power Module technology based, high input power factor, low THDI and DSP controlled.
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- Transformerless UPS topology
- IPM power module
- High input power factor > 0,98
- DSP controlled system
- Full digital control system
- Tower and rack type options
- PID control system
- Low input current value (THDI < 5%)
- High efficiency (up to93%)
- Cold start function
- Static by-pass system
- Optional maintenance by-pass switch
- Optional split by-pass system
- VAT transfer (voltage adaptive transfer)
- Output overload and short circuit protection
- External REPO input
- 128 events (5000 alarms) memory
- Clock, calender and operating hourmeter
- Advanced automatic battery test
- Boost charge system
- Temperature compansated charge system
- RS232 port and dry contact relays
- Easy output voltage and frequency selection
- Optional SNMP adaptor
- Manufactured according to EC Directive; EN62040
- 5 years spare parts support
- 2 years warranty
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