DEXGate - Model 2 - Flexible Energy Datalogger
Smartphone compatible
- Smartphone compatible
- Add devices from the office!
- 80 devices pre-configured
- Ethernet & Wifi connections available
- Reduced size: easy to add to your boards
- Easy maintenance
- 5 minute installation
- Remote access from DEXMA
Metering for Energy Management doesn’t have ...
Metering for Energy Management doesn’t have to be hard work
Hardware used in energy efficiency is usually a source of many questions: what devices are available on the market? How should I measure each energy source? How can I recommend hardware to a fresh new project, or to one with metering devices installed?
But trust us: hardware doesn't have to be hard work. With our learning materials for energy professionals you will discover that energy metering for buildings is not as mysterious as you might think, it's just a matter of making 2 decisions:
What do I need to measure?
How am I going to send the data from the meters to my Energy Analysis Platform?
What is Energy Metering?
Energy metering is the first step to succeed in any energy efficiency plan. If you want to save money on your energy bills, you will need to understand your consumption. To do so, you need data on how you're consuming energy.
And data can only be tracked with energy metering. Energy metering is, basically, installing meters in your building to get actionable data from the energy consumption and communicate - send the data - from the meters to an energy efficiency platform.
Meters, submeters, gateways, network analysers...There are many devices out there that can help you to define the energy metering strategy that you need to achieve your goals.
With our free learning resources, you will master energy metering and be able to decide what your current or next project needs!
What You Need to Learn About Energy Metering:
These are some of the points discussed in the materials included in our FREE Hardware Learning Bundle:
How to decide WHAT you need to measure
One of the two main decisions that you need to make about installing energy metering for your buildings. Check the free guide to understand how to measure each power source.
How to COMMUNICATE your meters
This is the second big decision you need to make when thinking about energy metering. With our checklist you can decide, step by step, the communications strategy needed for your projects.
What is MODBUS?
This communication protocol can be tricky. Watch our video training and discover the differences between MODBUS TCP and MODBUS RTU (with real and visual examples).
What is a Gateway?
Discover the main differences between a meter and a gateway, the limits of the fiscal meter, what a network analyzer is...
Get the Only Hardware-Neutral Energy Analysis Platform
Get instant, free and open access to our energy analytics platform, DEXMA. DEXMA is the only hardware-neutral SaaS platform on the market. This means that no matter which energy metering devices you use, we can integrate them. And they probably are among our hundreds of existing integrations with devices from main hardware vendors like SOCOMEC, Carlo Gavazzi, 4-noks...
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