Digitally Enhanced Compression Services
From Compression Services
Helix™ digitally enhanced compression is CSI Compressco’s unique telemetry system that provides real-time communication from a fleet of natural-gas compressor packages–inclusive of compressor frame and engine–enabling remote monitoring, predictive maintenance, control, analysis, and real-time reporting of each and every connected unit’s operations.
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Helix Connected Fleet
Our compression services fleet is fitted with a leading tri-mode communications Internet of Things (IoT) gateway. The tri-mode communications offers reliable connectivity from the field to the office. This enables compression-operations data to be communicated at a high rate of fidelity, once per minute. For compressor packages driven by Caterpillar, we are seamlessly integrated with their Product Link Elite (PLE). The PLE conveys engine performance metrics, events, fault codes, and diagnostics through the IoT gateway enabling remote diagnostics and troubleshooting of engine issues is support of enhanced reliability, uptime, and production. Helix digitally enhanced compression promotes the sharing of all data points captured from our fleet of compressor packages with our customers, including engine events and diagnostics.
Helix Customer Portal
We improved our user experience with Cat® Remote Fleet Vision so customers can monitor their fleet, view operational status and runtime metrics, and drill down to identify trends in unit performance from anywhere and any device they can secure an internet connection. The portal also provides visibility into Cat® engine events and diagnostics.
Helix Data Sharing
In support of customer Big Data strategies, customers can obtain all their compression operations data through our Microsoft Azure Event Hub to integrate seamlessly and directly into their own digital systems. This eliminates push/pull reports and nightly FTP file transfers.
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