Drossler - Container for Biogas Plants
From Agriculture Biogas
Biogas plants have turned into agriculturally most interesting branches of industry. With the amendment of the EEG (renewable energy law) in 2004, conditions for the usage of biogas plants have improved considerably. Over the next few years, selling power will become more profitable. With this in mind, the longevity of the plant components is a prerequisite.
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Besides their proven usage as liquid manure tanks, our prestressed concrete tanks are also suitable for the usage in biogas plants. The high quality and impermeability of the concrete used combined with dimensionally accurate concrete cover of the reinforcement, guarantee, especially with increased demands in the fermenter, longevity and ultimate impermeability.
According to an independent expert’s report concerning the gas permeability of our concrete, it has been rated as “high-performance concrete”, and therefore meets the demands of a particular impermeable concrete and provides increased resistance to chemical attacks.
Besides the classic methods of construction for round tanks for central or submersible motor-driven agitators, we additionally offer the rectangular methods of construction for plug-flow fermenters.
As an alternative to the simple wall construction with subsequent heat insulation, a sandwich construction method with an outer skin of reinforced concrete and an inner insulation is possible.
Concerning the tank cover, you can choose from a membrane cover, a film roof and a reinforced concrete roof. Especially when it comes to heat insulation and cover, a great share of internal labour is possible if desired.
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