Ducon Technologies Inc.

Ducon Technologies Inc.

- Ash Handling Systems



Ducon supplies both wet and dry type ash systems for power plants. Wet ash system is can be utilized for Bottom Ash handling with water impounded hopper and jet pumps for intermittent removal.Ash collected in economiser, primary air heater and secondary air heater hoppers drops continuously through suitable vertical pipe connections to the flushing connections provided beneath each of the hoppers. The flushing equipment serves to mix the ash with the water and discharge the ash in the form of slurry.

Product Details

The Dry fly ash system consists of a two stage ESP and duct hopper ash removal conveying system. The first stage includes extraction of dry fly ash from under the various ESP / duct hoppers to intermediate hoppers located near the ESPs. In the second stage, fly ash is conveyed from under these hoppers to the storage silos located near the plant boundary.

A dilute phase system is provided for extraction of dry fly ash in the first stage, and for second stage, a dense phase conveying system is provided for transportation of dry fly ash to the main storage silos. Ducon provides complete turn key systems that are custom engineered based on plant layout, capcities and site conditions. .

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