Ducon - Model SCR & SNCR - Catalyst for DeNOx Systems
From Dry Collection Technologies
Ducon's Selective Catalytic Reduction (SCR) DeNOx, and CO removal Systems features state of the art catalyst technology and controls engineering for easy erection and quick tie-in to new or existing Power Plant. Ducon DeNOx Catalyst is manufactured in China and has been proven in numerous power plant installations including installations in 1000 MW power plants with NOx removal efficiency of 98%.
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Product Details
SCR Catalyst for DeNOx Systems
Ducon utilizes ceramic honeycomb shapes or plate-type catalysts consisting of titanium dioxide as a base material with active coatings of vanadium pentoxide and tungsten trioxide that have been arranged at different levels. The working temperature of the catalyst ranges between 320 deg C to 420 deg C. for NOx systems. Ducon's DeNOx catalyst is widely used in thermal power plants, coal-fired power plants, waste incineration plants, steel plants, fertilizer plants, nitric acid plants, cement plants, petrochemical chemical plants and other all industrial which need to reduce the NOx emissions, also used in diesel engines tail gas treatment etc. Ducon also provides catalyst repalcement services for existing installations
SNCR DeNOx Systems
Ducon's SNCR DeNOx Systems works by injecting ammonia or urea into the radiant and convection regions of a boiler to treat the flue gases, so the reduction reaction can take place. Reagent comes in contact with the NOx in flue gas within a specific temperature range. For urea this range is approx. 1600°F-2100°F. For ammonia, the range is lower at 1500°F-1800°F. Ducon's SNCR system has low capital equipment cost, and is extremely versatile. It offers economic advantages over the SCR systems when combined with other technologies. Ducon's SNCR technology can be used in many industries including power, steel, metal furnaces, cement, petrochemical, waste to energy, glass and many others.
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