EcoGenR8 - Electricity Generation Devices from Waste Heat
Our waste heat solution will convert even low grade heat – whether liquid, steam or gas – into green electricity.
Waste heat is an unavoidable by product of many industrial processes with re-use for low grade heat not always being viable.
We have developed what we believe is the most effective solution on the market for maximizing the value of this waste heat – using it to generate electricity.
By taking existing processes that generate heat as a by-product, such as combine heat and power (CHP) plants, steam boilers, hot water systems, exhaust stacks and flares, and analysing the thermal balance, we can match these heat sources with the optimal technology to convert it into green electricity. Our technology solutions are robust and proven, with multiple installations worldwide and demonstrable track record. Even at temperatures as low as 80°C, we can generate electricity in a robust and cost effective way.
Whether for use on site or for export to the national grid, the electricity generated from waste heat can provide a valuable alternative to grid-based energy, reducing both costs and carbon footprint.
At EcoGenR8 we are able to offer a range of project options, from conventional design and build to a fully funded model in which we pay all capital and operational expenditure in exchange for a long term power purchase agreement (PPA) for the sale of the electricity generated which can be purchased by the client at a discounted rate.
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