Econotherm - Exhaust Gas to Air Pre Heater
Econotherm exhaust gas waste recovery units are widely used to deliver significant running cost and corresponding C02 reductions on many types of furnaces, ovens, boilers and process applications.
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Product Details
The units utilise at their core our thermal super conductor heatpipes. This differentiates them from traditional heat exchanger types in many ways which directly contributes to a significantly lower cost of ownership to the client.
Pre-heating of Burner Combustion Air
- Furnaces
- Boilers
- Ovens -Kilns
Heated Process Air
- Paper
- Dryers
- Laundry Dryers
Gas Stream Cooling /Re-heating
- Pre/Post scrubber gas processing in Pharmaceutical and chemical applications
Premises Heating
- Use spare heat to provide free, zero emission heating for industrial and commercial premises
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