

- Solar Plants



Elecnor has developed its own design and construction style for large-scale solar photovoltaic (PV) facilities, becoming a benchmark in the Spanish market. Also, thanks to the experience of its pioneering PV subsidiary Atersa, Elecnor now boasts one of the largest capacities to produce all the necessary components and equipment to configure any off-grid and grid-connected PV system. In Atersa's online shop you can find advice and purchase its entire range of products.

Product Details

In the sphere of photovoltaic energy, the company has taken part in more than 60 projects around the world totallingover 1 GW.


Elecnor has also established a strong foothold in the solar thermal market as it boasts the technical and economic capabilities required to undertake the design, supply, construction, start-up, operation and maintenance of solar thermal plants based on parabolic trough collector technology. This is showcased by the development of three thermoelectric plants, each with unit capacity of 50 MW , two located in Alcázar de San Juan (Ciudad Real) and one in Badajoz.

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