ELM - Model ELM MG Series - Battery Energy Storage Systems (BESS)
From Utility Scale MicroGrid ESS Packages
The ELM MG Series of Battery Energy Storage Systems (BESS) offers versatile solutions for distributed grid support applications. Equipped with the ELM FieldSight Microgrid Controller, the systems provide capabilities for automated grid balancing, frequency response, time of use shifting, and islanded microgrid resiliency. These systems can seamlessly integrate with utility command and control, as well as SCADA systems, thanks to the in-house developed FieldSight Controller. The MG Series can be deployed in capacities ranging from 250kW to 20MW, and in configurations suitable for 1 to 4-hour applications, expandable for long-term deployment. Backed by 25 years of service and support experience in the utility industry and a nationwide fleet of over 1000 service technicians, ELM Companies ensure reliable long-term service agreements with guaranteed response times.
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