EMH - Model CASA - Smart Energy Meter Gateway
From Smart Meter Gateway
Our Smart Meter Gateway CASA (Communication Access Security Administrator) builds the center of the new intelligent measuring system. As a control unit for connected measuring devices it becomes essential for the future. The DIN rail mounting offers flexible application possibilities for the CASA..
Most popular related searches
- Integrated interface for WAN, LMN and HAN
- HAN/CLS-components for Smart Metering, Smart Grid and Smart Home
- Updateable for certified applications in the networkand energy sales
- Data transfer via XML (COSEM/https-Web services) Norm according to DKE via ethernet oder GPRS
- Changeable front module, for example HAN-interface
Useable with the Following Products
- LZQJ-XC + ZSM-XC as RLM-solution
- modern measurement devices with adapter
- Interoperable with modern measurement devices built by other producers
- Software: Service-Technician-Tool
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