Gridpocket SAS

Gridpocket SAS

Energy Management Technology


We use individual approach, that is based on a customer’s segmentation. We considere that everyone has its own motivation factors, such having fun, learning or collecting reward points. Firstly, our objective is to challenge people to achieve their objectives by following these specific motivation factors. Secondly, the efficiency indicators evalue the efforts of individual client. Finally, this green nudge approach  motivates energy consumers in his energy efficiency efforts and strenghtens its loyalty to his energy supplier. This is based on win-win benefits, proposed to both energy consumer and energy utility. Our architecture is capable to determine important socio-economic factors, that are important for consumption profiles definition and individual motivation approach.

Energy management

Energy management

The positive renforcement tool that we have developped – EcoTroks™, is not just a customers engagement tool in the basic way, but it turns the energy consumer into the prosumer. It means that EcoTroks remunerates clients for their energy efficient actions, that lead to the improvement of a demande side management. This can be used for important industrial clients, public institutions or individual customers. 

Cannes, the city of energy efficiency

GridPocket has developed its products on a behavioral science basis while also collaborating with Mines ParisTech University for thermal building analysis. This product has been validated through an important one-year pilot project, the project Grid teams in 2011, which identified a way of how to change and adapt the behavior of electricity consumers in the city of Cannes, region Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur. As a result behavioral project has won the Numeric green developpement award.

Concerning GridTeams project, a local authority funded energy awareness program, GridPocket led an experimentation in partnership with Wit, a young utility company, that took place from 2011 to 2013. For this project, Wit has deployed smart meters in households in the Cannes area in the south of France. Meters were connected to Wit’s Meter Data Management system through the GPRS protocol and the data were regularly transferred to GridPocket’s platform via standard HTTP connections and stored in a PostgreSQL back-end.


An advantage of such a system results in the loyalty of a consumer and a reduced turn-over for energy retail providers. People are now provided with a tangible benefit for their energy monitoring that keeps them engaged. Results of the project are demonstrated under:

  • an increased client loyalty,
  • up to 20% savings of energy bills,
  • positive acceptance of technology

Basic Features

  • Energy web dashboard
  • Daily energy use monitoring
  • Customer engagement monitoring
  • Energy demand shifting(peak / off-peak) Analysis
  • Mobile and tablet applications
  • Heating temperature
  • Personalized interface

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