Energy Storage
As electricity girds decarbonize, electricity storage, to match supply and demand, is becoming an ever more important issue. Thermal energy storage (TES) using molten salt is a proven, cost effective way of providing large scale bulk energy storage. Integration with a CSP plant or other charging system allows energy gathered to be stored in the form of heated molten salt, and then used as required to meet the demand requirements of the grid or to provide ancillary services. Together with energy storage, BrightSource extends production capacity. Our solar plants, integrated with thermal energy storage, effectively extend electricity production into later parts of the day and after sundown, when it is valued most by utilities and other power producers. This capability reduces the cost of renewable power, by increasing a plant’s capacity factor – the amount of energy produced in a given day - to offer higher asset utilization.
It provides utilities with greater operational flexibility to shape production and account for the variable nature of other intermittent resources. Additionally, it offers utilities and grid operators verifiable value in the form of balancing and shaping capabilities and ancillary services
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